Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Life is moving
too quickly
for thesaurus thumbing
and all of my great ideas
are on torn loose leaf again,
and all of my musings
are now given to
my friends who-
will out
my loving thoughts
from my great big
giant heart that
seems to have room
for it all.
But doesn't seem
to want to let a single
poetic word fall.


  1. Amy, another wonderful piece. I'm sure any true poet could easily relate to this. I know it definitely resonated with me.

    "And all of my great ideas are on torn loose leaf again"

    That line really stands out for me. As well as;

    "Doesn't seem to want to let a single poetic word fall."

    I think for someone who insinuates having writer's block in their poem, you sure managed to construct an interesting and fun poem.

    I could keep going, but I'm going to shut up now, hah... Anyway, cheers!

  2. Dana: Aw, :-x

    Nathan:Thank you, my friend! <3


Reach for the clouds. . .

Tickle your toes. . .

Poets United Contributor